Saturday, October 15, 2005

1:36, restate me assumption... I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal with petty materialists like you.

This blog has been getting harder and harder to write over the last couple of months. This has been weighing heavily on my mind the last couple of weeks. I have been trying to figure out why it isn't just coming to me like it used to... it's been feeling like this blog has run away from me... why? What was kidexxxile and how could it be lost? Why did I start writing in here in the first place?

Who is kidexxxile? He is that part of me that hated moving out here for a job he wasn't sure he wanted, the part of me that hoped there was more to suburban sprawl that shopping complexes and television. It was the part of me that still loves the idea of 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'... the search for the spirit of the American dream... I started this blog because somewhere within the single story sprawl of industrial estates, takeaway shops, factory outlets and planned housing development there had to be life... the story of the suburbs... it may be niave but I was looking for something real.

What happened?

I got caught in the trap... I've had too much t.v. and I got lost in the surface image, in the last eight weeks I have waded through kilometres of VHS tape looking for a way out of myself, O.Ded on monster movies... I had started to write my self into the same narrative I was trying see through... television and junk food were killing kidexxxile... it is not the cure but admitting I have a problem is the first step to recovery...

1:36, restate my assumptions: the suburbs are alive, there is life outside of television, I am not dead yet... what happens next?

Stay tuned.


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