Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Clothes makes the man.

I left the hills last night, first time in about a month... took the train into the city.

Something very strange happened.

It was very cold so I was walking down the street with my big Blank hoodie on, hood pulled up all the way over my face when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there was this very dodgy looking guy standing there smiling with his hand held out, I didn't really know what to do so I shook it. He had a dirty parachute material jacket on and a baseball cap, no teeth, tattoos and a torn gym bag.

"Awesome top man. You a writer (graffiti tagging) huh?" I didn't even get time to breathe before "Yeah, where do you write? I used to run around with a lot of crews from the south Frankston Bomb Squad, Dandy Boys and shit. Never got into much bombing myself but they all good people. What you up to, huh, oh you got a bag full of paints, wish I could come with you man? Can I? Which train yard you gonna hit? Yeah, I got time I will come along? S'all right yeah? Which line you ride?"

So like a dickhead I answer 'Lilydale line' and we are off again...

"Sick man, what you peakin' on, I've been up for like four days, just cruisin' Eckies yeah, you look it. Big crew? Don't matter, but you know John of Dandenong, famous writer, mad famous he's in a wheel chair now, you seen him since the payout? Course not, you ain't a junkie scum with his hand out, he knows who you are but so... Don't shoot up man, no good crew will let ya but if it happens it will fuck even the most organised boys. Dude, I really wish I could roll with youse tonight but I got things to do? Seen Will, his new bitch she's like into the smack... falling out of her bag all everywhere, it's no good but it's not my place, you reckon? Course you think I gotta tell him to drop it. I gotta find him, we was in prison together and he kept me, ya know, ever been? No way man, you look too smart. Well it was good to talk to ya bro, names Mick"

Holds out his hand, I shake it and reply

"Well bro it's been sweet."

And with that he was gone and I was very confused.

Amphetamines are like that, the whole world runs far too slow and I guess you gotta just fill in the gaps! It didn't really matter who I was or what I had to say, to Mick my jumper was graf and he made up the rest.


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