Thursday, June 09, 2005

Too much work to do and the tv is broken

Hello and welcome to my life... a nice place to visit (and you know how the rest of the saying goes)

Too much work to do and the television is broken!

I miss the teev, I like the way you can just sit infront of it and vaporise your life, get home from work, switch it on and teleport to bed time without moving or thinking... it is like a diet version of having a life or something.

Anyway, I am sitting infront of the computer listening to a whole bunch of depressing music, avoiding doing what I have to do and I have no televsion, no cigarettes and no Coca-Cola... since the television broke down my housemates only seem to be home long enough to eat and then they leave again. It is good to know that our relationship was based on wasting our time collectively (and largely in silence).


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