Sunday, June 12, 2005


Gav still hasn't come home, his solution to the no teev is to live at the pub, he has everything he needs there: beer, a pool table, television, people around him to complain about his ex-wife at and a heated room in which to enjoy all of this.

My stoner housemate Mark made a late appearance before I went to bed last night (somewhere around 1am). He had his own solution to the lack of television; using Limewire to down load uncut XXX rap videoclips. Mark doesn't fuck around with Limewire, he pulled twenty odd videos of black dudes in Lakers singlets and bandanas waving their hands around and throwing hundred dollar bills at naked strippers who were usually writhing around in jelly jiggling their jiggly bits just for starters. I went to bed feeling queasy and I was woken by a loud noise sometime later in the night by insane stoned laughter and the sound Ludacris' voice droning on about his manhood.

I got up a couple of hours later and hauled myself off to work with a mouth full of mothballs and a head full of static, I got a takeaway coffee from the bakery on the way for the car and fit two more mugs instant in before the bell rang for classes to start... as I walked out of the staff room en route to period one the caffeine started to surge and carried me kicking and screaming to the last bell of the day.


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