Thursday, November 10, 2005

So lame it hurts.

There is a poster at work that really bothers me, it shows some kids sitting on a graffiti covered bridge next to their skateboards reading books and it says 'Bored? Read a book' under it. Why is it that 'The Powers That Be' (or TPTB) always feel the need to dress up their messages to children in baggy cargo pants and a hooded jumper, slap a cap on it and set it rolling across the page on a skateboard? It is just so lame that every time I walk past it I feel the almost uncontrollable urge to rip the poster down, tear it into a million pieces and stomp it into the mud. Is this really how TPTB plan to get to the kids, we are going to patronise them into submission... it's just like when you were sixteen and your Dad did an awful "I'm just hangin' with my homies" routine to embarrass you every time you tried to bring friends home, but at least when Dad's are do that they are trying to be embarrassing (that's how they get their kicks). I'm sorry but the only kids I've met in my two years as a teacher dumb enough to buy into a routine like 'Yo dudes read a book they're radical!" would not have the mental capabilities to do so.


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