Monday, November 21, 2005

The power of symbols

Today during lunch break Sam said:

"Do you ever feel like the world is talking to you in symbols. This morning when I went to open my classroom for first period I found that someone had broken into the room and taken a huge shit in the middle of one of the front tables. Before any of the kids could see I pulled the back cover off a spare exercise book, scooped it up and threw it away in the bushes. Afterwards I couldn't stop laughing. It was like one of those 'this is your life' moments."

I have had a similar moment of symbolic revelation. Years ago I used to work for Crown Casino and on valentines day as I was walking through the complex to my division office I found a bunch of roses that had been discarded, then vomited on and trampled into the floor. When I found them the flowers had been walked completely flat and the congealed puddle of yellow puke had dried leaving the imprint of a large work boot right in the middle of the mess.


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